March 20, 2025
Since their creation in 2005, the French competitiveness clusters have profoundly transformed France's innovation landscape. Conceived as a lever for competitiveness and economic development, this ambitious policy has fostered the emergence of genuine innovation ecosystems, where companies, research organizations, training centers and public-sector players work together around strategic themes.
This year marks a special moment: the 20th anniversary of the Pôles de Compétitivité.
It's the perfect opportunity to look back on our history, salute the achievements of these two decades and look ambitiously to the future.
Since its launch in 2005, this visionary government policy has breathed new life into innovation in France. Designed to foster competitiveness and economic development, it has sought to break down silos by promoting a collaborative approach at local level. Today, Competitive Clusters bring together companies, research organizations, training centers and public players, all united around strategic themes to build a more prosperous future.
“With the competitiveness clusters, France has invented a unique organizational model. The logic is that of clusters, but the implementation is a national specificity.”
Nicolas Sarkozy, 2005
Competitiveness clusters are drivers of innovation and performance in the service of economic and societal challenges.
**Competitive clusters are associations backed by public/private funding. Since 2005, they have been the preferred partners for taking ideas from idea to market!
In two decades, the Competitiveness Clusters have achieved remarkable results. Thanks to their national label and expertise, Competitiveness Clusters facilitate access to funding, partner search and international acceleration.
Competitiveness Clusters have always adapted to a constantly changing context, responding to the expectations of their members and the missions entrusted to them by their public partners. Whether playing a key role during the COVID crisis, supporting the France Relance and France 2030 plans, or facilitating access to European and private funding, the Pôles de Compétitivité are invaluable allies for their members.
At 20 years of age, we approach this new phase with maturity and ambition, backed by solid experience and recognized legitimacy. We remain determined to contribute to the position of a strong and innovative France and Europe.
To celebrate this anniversary, we are proud to unveil a new “20 years” logo and to open a page dedicated to this pivotal year. Throughout the year, we invite you to discover our achievements, our experiences and our ambitions for the future.
By representing the 54 Competitive Clusters and their more than 20,000 members, AFPC is in direct contact with the French government and the European Commission.
It actively contributes to public policy on innovation in France and Europe. It participates in all initiatives that contribute to the development of businesses and employment.
It also aims to promote exchanges and best practices between Competitive Clusters.