Dutch delegation : the hydrogen Ecosystem in the Paris region

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The hydrogen Ecosystem in the Paris region

From January 29 to 31, 2024, NextMove is hosting a delegation in collaboration with its partner RAI Automotive Industry NL.

The 3-day program will allow participants to discover the hydrogen ecosystem in Île-de-France through various site visits, participation in events and exchanges moments. Participants will have the opportunity to establish contact with members of the NextMove network to identify potential subjects for collaboration.

The programme

  • Monday, 29th January :

Afternoon: Site Visit of the Hyvia (Renault) site in Flins - Fuel cell engines, new electrolyzer with a capacity of 400 kg/day of green hydrogen production

Evening: Networking dinner - place and activity TBC

  • Tuesday, 30th January :

Morning: Site Visit of IFP Energies Nouvelles site in Rueil Malmaison - Presentation of the latest work on the H2 combustion engine and fuel cell, presentation of the site's experimental activities

Afternoon: Visit at TotalEnergies

  • Wednesday, 31st January :

Participation at Hyvolution - international congress and exhibition in Paris

Morning: Workshop with Jean-Luc Brossard (VP Automotive Research and Advance Engineering at Stellantis, CSS Director at the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) & President of the Committee of French Car Manufacturers (CCFA)), presention of the French hydrogen ecosystem and the IPCEI hydrogen (Important Project of Common European Interest). Presentation of the dutch ecosystem. Exchanges

Afternoon: Booths visits at Forvia and Plastic Omnium

Evening: Cocktail networking event at Hyvolution (optional)

Services included

  • Transport in France
  • Lunch (3 days)
  • Dinner & Networking dinner (2 days)
  • Hyvolution ticket

Not included : transportation to get to and come back from the mission & hotel