January 1, 2022
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Urban Mobility is launching a call for proposals open to all organisations - EIT partners or not - to determine its Business Plan for 2021. The EIT Urban Mobility is looking for innovative proposals on the following themes: innovation, academy, business creation, Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS), factory, citizen engagement.
In its innovation programme, the EIT Urban Mobility aims to put into practice innovative solutions to help solve problems related to the eco-efficiency and safety of urban transport, to improve the use of data and to promote regulatory and behavioural change.
EIT UM Innovation
City Challenge Cluster
Accelerating urban transformation
Improving the quality of life, by influencing behaviour, urban policy and shared mobility services.
City Challenge Cluster 5 : Improve the quality of public space
City Challenge Cluster 7 : Avoid transition barriers
Facilitating the integrated mobility of people and goods through activities promoting sustainable logistics, intelligent parking infrastructure and the promotion of cycling, walking and public transport.
City Challenge Cluster 1 : Shift to active modes of transport (walking & cycling)
City Challenge Cluster 3 : Improve urban logistics with a focus on last mile distribution
Improve data exploitation for intermodal urban mobility and develop intelligent mobility management and mobility as a service. Promote a unified system for Europe to enable providers and users of mobility solutions to easily access and use services at an affordable price and to use infrastructure safely and efficiently
City Challenge Cluster 4 : Improve public transport service provision
City Challenge Cluster 6 :Improve traffic flow management (incl. ITS)
Raising awareness of environmental issues by developing clean and automated mobility, using new or adapted communication technologies.
City Challenge Cluster 1 : Shift to active modes of transport (walking & cycling)
City Challenge Cluster 2 : Avoid negative health, safety and environment impacts of urban mobility
Category Duration (mois) % of Innovation programme Max. budget per activity in 2021 (million euros)
Short max 6 25 0,3
Medium max 12 50 1,0
Long max 24* 25 2,0
*Due to the annual grant cycle of the EIT, even for multi-annual activities, only activities carried out in 2021 will be awarded under this call. Multi-annual proposals will have to resubmit an activity proposal in 2021 for the approval of the 2022 Business Plan.
Training activities may take the form of pilot projects and experiments aimed at improving and introducing new content, formats and business models at the Master School, at the Doctoral Training Network and at the Competence Hub.
Regarding business creation, the EIT Urban Mobility will focus on improving the content, formats and business models of the Accelerator programme, the Scale-up Club and Go Global.
These activities should support the exploitation of the results and develop urban mobility solutions. They should eventually lead to the creation of (semi-) automated tools and other supports for the development of urban solutions. Small-scale activities to test these processes are particularly targeted.
The procedure has been updated due to the Covid-19 crisis. Participants should complete a Notification of Intent on the EIT Urban Mobility intranet before
30th April 2020 - 23:59 (UTC+1/CET)
Only participants that have completed this Notification of Intent will be able to submit a full proposal before
14th May 2020 - 23:59 (UTC+1/CET)
For any questions relating to this call for proposals, please contact call2021@eiturbanmobility.eu