January 1, 2022
The ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) invites researchers, cities, municipalities, businesses, civil society and other stakeholders to build transnational consortia to create challenge-driven innovation and research projects that address the challenges of sustainable urban passenger mobility, freight, transport and connectivity as integral and essential parts of sustainable urban development.
The ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) call for proposals aims at creating and testing new solutions and approaches for sustainable urban mobility. With this shared ambition, 16 countries are pooling resources to implement a series of calls for research and innovation projects as well as accompanying measures to create highest impact. The joint calls and actions will focus on measures to improve urban accessibility and connectivity for all groups of society while moving towards more sustainable urban mobility systems. Projects within this call are expected to be co-creative and have strong stakeholder participation already from the start. The research should be based on actual urban challenges and the results should lead to new approaches, tools, instruments, insights and knowledge that will bring stakeholders closer to sustainable urban accessibility and connectivity. The project results are expected to make a clear contribution to the realisation of relevant urban, regional, national and European transport policy objectives that can help cities, urban residents, communities, businesses and institutions make the most use of new developments in urban mobility.
The call is divided into five challenges that need to be responded in order to move towards realising sustainable urban accessibility and connectivity for all, taking advantage of current solutions and approaches. Each proposal must be attached to at least one challenge but may be related to several challenges if it is focussed on a crosscutting subject or an issue that is at the frontier of several Challenge 1: Evolving solutions for an integrated approach on sustainable urban physical mobility and transport, land use and digital connectivity Challenge 2: Develop and support the implementation of innovative mobility systems and services with a potential to contribute to sustainable urban mobility Challenge 3: Transform and re-organise urban spaces to pave the ground for sustainable urban mobility and accessibility at local level, from the street scale to the district Challenge 4: Develop effective policy options for achieving a shift towards sustainable urban accessibility and connectivity Challenge 5: Change behaviours and perspectives towards sustainable urban accessibility and connectivity
Learn more in the call text.
Approaches and recommendations for the proposals Proposals should focus on urban areas, in the context of achieving climate neutral and sustainable cities. They should be forward-looking, solution-oriented, contributing to transport and mobility policy, especially in relation with SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans) and SULPs (Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans) The results of the funded projects are expected to make a clear contribution to the attainment of relevant urban, regional, national and European EU Transport Policy objectives (including TEN-T). Further, projects are expected to especially address the potential impact and possibilities for deployment of (potentially new) mobility and transport modes, technologies, services and concepts by analysing behavioural responses and estimating effects on the various aspects of sustainability (i.e. the environment, economic development and people’s well-being) for both passenger and freight transport.
Who can apply?
Applicants can come from organisations such as: > Companies (from industry/large companies to SMEs) > Cities, municipalities, regions > Consumers (e.g. business enterprises, test households, etc.) > Citizens’ representatives, NGOs > Research organisations (universities, university colleges, research institutes or other authorities with research undertakings) Consortia may consist of partners active across several positions within the research and development system (i.e. innovation, applied research, fundamental research) and across disciplines (natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and engineering). Project proposals must consist of at least three eligible applicants from at least three participative countries. Partners from third countries are welcome in consortium but need funding from other sources. Types of research, development and innovation activities to be supported This call is open for proposals referring to a broad range of project types, from basic research to innovation. Research/innovation is seen as a continuum and most projects will be a mix of both. However, to help ensure a balanced portfolio, we are asking applicants to identify which pathway is the best fit. Each proposal must choose one of the two pathways, depending on its main purpose. Online submission system
The research pathway The innovation pathway
> Call text > Template for Pre-proposals > Template for the budget and the funding demand > Submission Guidelines for Applicants > List of National Contact Points
In addition to events and webinars, we wish to welcome interested actors to the LinkedIn group “Networking in ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity” for self-organised networking and matchmaking. This is a group where you can continue to explore the possibilities for developing and submitting a joint call proposal together with more stakeholders or find possible future partners before the matchmaking event. Find the group here.
Matchmaking Event 13 January 2020, 16.00-18.30, Washington (in connection to the annual Transportation Research Board Conference) Information Webinar 22 January, 13.00-14.30, online Matchmaking Webinar 27 January, 13.00-14.30, online
Please keep an eye on your national Funding Agencies webpages for national call related activites.
Call secretariat If you have questions please contact the Call Secretariat: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Aurélien Gaufrès and/or Pascal Bain E-mail: enuac@anr.fr