Mobinno-Experiences, a new European project for NextMove

January 1, 2022

NextMove and four European partners are winners of an EIT Urban Mobility project, aimed at developing key skills based on the real-life experiences of innovation leaders in the field of mobility.

Today we present 6 modules offered on the Mobinno-Experiences platform:

Introduction of the CourseActive mobilityFuture mobilityMobility and EnergySustainable logisticsInvestors and capital risk

Register now to discover the modules 

Project presentation

An innovative new project kicked off in April in Spain, France and Hungary to bridge the gap between education and business creation in the field of mobility. The project will create high-quality audiovisual material focusing on the real-life experiences of the most forward-thinking startups, companies, industry players and cities, which will be disseminated via an online platform (MooC) that will also bring together the digital community of people genuinely interested in mobility and innovation.

NextMove will be responsible for providing content for the platform and disseminating information to the French mobility ecosystem and its national and regional partners.

The aim of MOBINNO-EXPERIENCES is to democratize knowledge and bridge the gap between academia and entrepreneurship, by providing key competencies in entrepreneurship, innovation and mobility to potential entrepreneurs, professionals and citizens interested in EIT Urban Mobility themes. In addition, the activity aims to attract talent that can serve as a source of innovation for the City Club (future trends, ideas, challenges, etc.) and the Citizen Engagement calls field.

This democratization of knowledge will have a positive impact on end-users of the digital platform and local business ecosystems. In particular, the activity will enable a greater number of potential entrepreneurs to engage with the themes and challenges of the EIT Urban Mobility, facilitating the adoption and acquisition of relevant solutions, ideas and innovations. The acquisition of these key skills by end-users will have a significant societal impact, energizing a business ecosystem and generating economic opportunities that can benefit the EIT Urban Mobility.

The consortium includes the following partners:

CARNET (lead partner, Spain), an open center for industrial and academic partners in the fields of automotive and mobility research and innovation.

ZONE CLUSTER (Hungary), a key industrial and RIS partner for the EIT UM and the management organization of the Zala connected and automated mobility cluster.

BARCELONA METROPOLITAN AREA (Spain), partner city of the EIT UM, which contributes to the project by communicating to attract young professionals and potential entrepreneurs.

NEXTMOVE (France), a competitiveness cluster dedicated to the automotive and mobility industry. It stimulates innovation in this sector and promotes the funding of R&D projects and collaboration between more than 600 members.

MOVEN (Spain), a consulting firm providing innovative urban mobility solutions and mobility advice to cities and companies, with the aim of accelerating the transformation of the sector. With a particular focus on Southern Europe, Moven has links with a community of 500 startups (in the shared mobility, smart cities, electric mobility, smart logistics, autonomous and connected mobility verticals) and 225 companies and organizations.