August 15, 2022
By organizing this event, NextMove put us in contact with companies from mobility clusters in other European countries: a very important 'go-between' for us.
Following a visit to the mobility-related activities of the campus of the Université Gustave Eiffel based in Champs-sur-Marne, the participants met representatives of Nextérité, a company with its own artificial intelligence algorithms to collect practical traffic information for travelers, for optimized and sustainable urban mobility, making city centers more attractive and everyday journeys more efficient. "Working groups on several themes were set up, and each participant, whether a company or a cluster, was able to present its activity, its difficulties, its strategies... NextMove gave us a climate of trust and the opportunity to exchange ideas with other companies in the mobility sector. As a start-up, it was an opportunity to share our history, our DNA, our product strategy and our strategy of internationalization into new markets", explains Edith Nuss, President of Nextérité. It was also an opportunity to listen to customer testimonials and receive valuable advice. Networking in the evening was a very enriching moment of informal exchange, ideal for identifying solutions for international partnerships and cooperation.
"For Nextérité, it was an opportunity to forge links with future European partners. By organizing an event like this, NextMove creates a place of trust, which today enables us to build a project in collaboration with a Dutch company. We're a small company, and there's always a risk of isolation. By working with a company in a related sector, without being a competitor, we have the opportunity to create synergies that are essential for the international development of our company", explains Edith Nuss.
Over the next two days, a Nextérité representative travelled to Rouen for further meetings as part of the European RECiPE4Mobility project. The second day began with a visit to the Campus de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Formation Professionnelle, including a presentation of the Industrie du Futur demonstrator from the LINEACT Research and Innovation Laboratory. Participants then visited the Rouen Normandy Autonomous Lab and the Atelier RNAL to see a demonstration of the autonomous ZOE and an i-Cristal Shuttle. The final day was rounded off with a visit to the PSA Renault Lab, to look at accidentology, biomechanics and the study of human behavior on the road, followed by a visit to the VEDECOM Institute, to look at autonomous and connected vehicles, shared energies...