November 21, 2022
Participants : Systematic Paris Region, Cap Digital, NextMove (France), RAI Automotive NL, FME (Netherlands), Cluster Mobility & Logistics, Cluster Sensorik Bavaria (Germany), Zone Cluster, Agricultural ICT Cluster (Hungary), Mobinov (Portugal), Agoria (Belgium), Mesap (Italy), Serbian Automotive Cluster (Serbia), SAMS Norway (Norway), Precarpathian eco-energy cluster, Ukrainian Automotive & Mobility Cluster (Ukraine), AVIA (Spain), Tampere Automotive (Finland), The Eastern cluster ICT (Poland).
On the first day, the entire delegation had the opportunity to attend high-level presentations by cluster members and partners: The program included speeches by Stephen Marvin, R&D Director at the PFA, and Jochen Langheim, NextMove's International Vice President, followed by an introduction by Isabelle Pottier of the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the Enterprise Europe Network, and concluding with contributions from the two Paris Region clusters, Cap Digital and Systematic Paris Region, as well as a presentation by NextMove's Managing Director on our strategy and services for members. The afternoon was then devoted to a pitch session, enabling European participants to meet start-ups and SMEs from the NextMove network and discover the solutions and initiatives developed by these entities. The day concluded with a networking aperitif-dinner, where the entire group was able to exchange ideas and identify opportunities for future collaboration.
The second day was devoted to discovering the sites of NextMove members: particularly interesting site visits were hosted by FEV Group (Trappes), Institut VEDECOM (Versailles) and a meeting with startup EP Tender. Enriching exchanges and significant potential for collaboration, all fueled by the curiosity and desire to share the experiences of the various participating organizations.
The program concluded with the third and final day, which enabled participating clusters to benefit from a coaching session organized by the REMOBILISE project around two key topics: financing innovation and supporting the internationalization of our ecosystem members. Following presentations by NextMove's European Affairs Manager and two representatives from Business France, participants were able to exchange ideas in sub-groups and identify synergies to facilitate support for our members.
Similar opportunities will be offered to NextMove members throughout the year, so don't hesitate to contact us with your interests! Many thanks again to all participants!