Webinar - Major Innovation Hubs & SESAME Filières - France 2030


An event organised by the Ile-de-France competitiveness clusters with the support of the Ile-de-France Region


Webinar: Interpôles franciliens - Grands Lieux d'Innovation & SESAME Filières France 2030

In this webinar, the Paris Region competitiveness clusters Astech, Cap Digital, Cosmetic Valley, Finance Innovation, Medicen, NextMove and Systematic Paris-Region will explain the terms and conditions of the two calls for projects launched jointly by the French government and the Paris Region to support the structuring of strategic economic sectors and the scientific and technological competitiveness of players based in the region.

The next two rounds of the call for projects will be organised in 2025 according to the following timetable:

AAP n°7| Submission period opens: 1 February 2025 - Closes: 13 May 2025
AAP n°8 | Submission period opens: 18 August 2025 - Closes: 21 October 2025

##Call for projects

Grands Lieux d'Innovation (GLI) France 2030 :

Its aim is to encourage the emergence and development of large-scale innovation sites of regional interest (shared test bench, pilot industrial unit, technology platform, applied collaborative R&D site, etc.).

##Call for projects

SESAME Filières France 2030 :

The aim is to fund the development of open technology platforms to encourage partnerships between academic research laboratories and companies in the Paris region.

These two calls for projects will be presented by :


  • In charge of the "Places of innovation" project (incubators, accelerators and GLIs) | Service Sectors and Innovation | Business and Employment Division | Région Île-de-France

Magdalena COUTY

  • Research and Innovation Officer | Technology Transfer Department | TRESOR Cluster | Île-de-France Region

#What is the "SESAME Industries" action?

The call for projects aims to strengthen strategic sectors in the Paris Region by facilitating access to shared infrastructure for research and development, testing and trials. It supports innovative and ambitious projects led by research and higher education establishments, responding to the need to structure regional industries.

Its main objectives are to

  • Unite the players** around joint projects between academic research and the economy.
  • Structuring sectors** through platforms that promote innovation and technological development.
  • Create new partnerships** between research, companies and local players.

Projects must demonstrate a concrete economic and technological impact, with a development strategy involving local businesses and players.