1 janvier 2022
Mov'eo et ses partenaires du projet européen RECiPE4Mobility recherchent des experts pour deux sessions de formation à destination des directeurs de pôles sur la construction d'une offre de service et la fidélisation.
Dans le cadre du projet européen RECiPE4Mobility coordonné par Mov'eo, 5 clusters européens travaillent à renforcer leurs compétences de gestion et à développer des services à valeur ajoutée pour leur écosystème, notamment PME. On retrouve E-Mobility Cluster (Allemagne), Mobinov (Portugal), RAI Automotive Industry NL (Pays-Bas) et Zone Cluster (Hongrie). Nous recherchons aujourd'hui des experts pour deux sessions de formation en anglais sur les thématiques suivantes, qui se tiendront entre février et mars 2021.
Thème 1 - How to build, market and sell a service offer as a cluster ? We need to be more result-oriented in the way we build our service offering, thanks to efficient monitoring and decision-making process to lead strategic activities responding to our members’ needs and providing at a least a minimum ROI for the cluster. Moreover, we have a culture of animating the ecosystem which must be complemented by a better communication and marketing of the service offering to cope with the competition. Finally, we wish to consolidate their positioning as European clusters (and not only local/national) and representatives of the Automotive & Mobility sector towards public authorities.
Theme 2 - How to foster loyalty of members and attract new ones ?
How to often should we communicate with members so they can understand the benefits of being a member? To which degree should we involve cluster members (e.g. participation in strategy committee and other committes) or is it enough to share our reports with them? How high should be the involment of the members in creating the cluster strategy? How to motivate members to actively participate in our events and activities? How to make sure that the membership fee is considered a value-for-money service? What are the best communication channels? Email vs. Website? How important is it to organize in-person meetings (and with whom)? Do we need regural meetings with members (and with which groups)? How do we manage to bind members to the cluster permanently? what are the decisive factors? Which factors are decisive for the retention of a member? What are the triggers for member cancellations? Which strategy should we follow to keep a member if we feel that they would like to leave the cluster? Are there omens when members resign?
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