1 janvier 2022
A new project for Mov’eo and its SMEs ! Ready for USA, Canada, and United Arab Emirates The European project INTonomous (COSME, Clusters Go International), coordinated by Mov'eo, has just been selected for funding by the European Commission and will start next September. The aim of INTonomous is to generate strategic European value chains gathering innovative SMEs in the field of autonomous and connected driving, and to support their internationalization. INTonomous targets the markets of USA, Canada and United Arab Emirates, and will offer SMEs a tailor-made mission. Objective: International ! Focused on the theme of the autonomous and connected driving, the INTonomous project is therefore inspired by the internationalisation strategies developed within the framework of the MobiGoIn and Impact Connected Car projects, which have been real successes and have reinforced the experience of our clusters in terms of internationalisation. Four other clusters, partners of INTonomous, were also involved in MobiGoIn: Baden-Württemberg Connected (Germany), Fondazione Torino Wireless (Italy), Media Evolution Southern Sweden AB (Sweden), Mov'eo (France). Two new partners, Autoklastr (Czech Republic) and Zone Cluster (Hungary), reinforce the partnership of this new project. The INTonomous internationalisation strategy is based on three successive phases:
The aim is to generate European value chains on the autonomous and connected driving by relying on a network of innovative and complementary European SMEs. They will be gathered according to their skills and solutions, and in relation to the needs of the target markets (United States, Canada and United Arab Emirates). For each of these countries, a specific value chain will be developed as well as a common marketing and communication strategy, in order to promote potential technological and commercial partnerships during the missions in eachtarget countries. In addition, the INTonomous project will offer acceleration services to the selected SMEs to prepare them to enter the target markets. A series of webinars will address internationalisation and foreign market entry strategies, the specificities of the three target countries, and trends in autonomous and connected driving. Subsequently, European matchmaking events will launch collaboration between SMEs and include expert advice for each target country. Finally, a tailor-made mission will be organised to the United States, Canada and the United Arab Emirates in order to promote the solutions, expertise and competence of the European value chains that will have been set up. INTonomous' partner clusters will take advantage of their wide international network and the numerous trade fairs and networking events on site to foster the development of technological and commercial partnerships. The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.