Call for papers : SIA POWER TRAIN & ELECTRONICS // Paris 2021

1 janvier 2022

La conférence SIA POWER TRAIN & ELECTRONICS abordera l'ensemble des technologies de transmission électrique et hybride, ouvrant ainsi la voie à la décarbonisation de la mobilité. Outre les technologies de transmission, deux thèmes importants seront abordés : l'écosystème de l'électromobilité, y compris l'infrastructure de recharge comme facteur-clé de la généralisation des technologies à faible et à zéro émission de carbone. La conception éco-responsable couvrant l'ensemble du cycle de vie des produits du point de vue des émissions, de l'énergie et des ressources.

The SIA Powertrain Organising Committee and the SIA Automotive Power Electronics (APE) Organising Committee consolidate their successful cooperation to prepare next year SIA POWER TRAIN & ELECTRONICS // Paris 2021 conference. SIA POWER TRAIN & ELECTRONICS conference will address the full spectrum of electric and hybrid drivetrain technologies paving the way of mobility decarbonization. Along with drivetrain technologies, special focus will be put on two important topics:

Electromobility ecosystem including charging infrastructure as a key factor for low and zero carbon technologies widespread.
Eco-responsible design covering entire product life cycle from emission, energy and resources viewpoint.

Many collaborative initiatives in drivetrain research field are undertaken to support industry recovery. Our conference is aiming at being a forum for them and for Automotive and Electronics industry sectors joint initiative in particular. THE 2021 SIA POWER TRAIN & ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE IN PARIS, WILL ADDRESS THE COMPLETE POWERTRAIN TECHNOLOGY SPECTRUM OF ELECTRIC AND HYBRID DRIVETRAIN TECHNOLOGIES:

Electrified Thermal Engine & Energy Recovery
Power Electronics & Electric Technologies
Electrified Propulsion Systems
Electric Mobility Ecosystem
Eco-Responsible Design

The last edition of SIA POWER TRAIN & ELECTRONICS conference in Paris held on June 2019 was again a great success, with 770 participants from 17 countries, 63 scientific and technical presentations, 2 panel sessions on energy and with top-level representatives of OEMs and Tier1 companies. Finally, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to invite all the powertrain engineering and scientific communities to submit abstracts on any of the related conference topics! We look forward to welcoming you in Port Marly on June 2021

Call for papers

⚠ Submit your paper before December the 4th ⚠ 

Topics to be addressed

Electrified Thermal Engine Technologies

Chairman - Gaëtan Monnier, IFPEN

High efficiency combustions
Thermal engine technologies (Injection, EGR, Water Injection…)
Thermal energy recovery

Electric Technologies & Power Electronics

Chairman - Dr Jochen Langheim, STMicroelectronics

Electric machines
Power electronics

Electrified Propulsion Systems

Chairman - Christophe Callens, Valeo

Mild hybrids & 48V systems
Hybrid systems & Transmissions (AT, HEV, DHT, EV)
After-treatment & electrification
System engineering, control & energy management
Battery systems (pack, cooling…)

Electric Mobility Ecosystem

Chairman - Bertrand Largy, SIA CE VEEE

Charge infrastructure, V2X, power generation
Battery cell roadmap (technologies and chemistry)
New services

Eco-Responsible Design

Chairman - Emmanuel Jean, Faurecia

Emission regulations, RDE, air quality
CO2, GHG emissions, WTW
LCA (cradle to grave), resources, recycling

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More informations about the congress


Mov'eo will book several booths with special price for its members, if you are interested in, please contact