CEREMH: heading for 2021 and beyond!

1 janvier 2022

At the beginning of this year, the CEREMH (Centre de Ressources et d'Innovation Mobilité Handicap) news is marked by two pieces of news: the commercial release of the BECAPE bench and the launch of a donation campaign.

The CEREMH is a lab that supports the design and deployment of innovative solutions (products or services) promoting the mobility of people with disabilities whatever the origin of this situation (pathology, trauma, aging).

After ten years of research, in partnership with the Versailles Saint Quentin University, Mobsim, StreetLab, and with the support of the MAÏF Foundation, the CEREMH has finalized a driving aptitude evaluation bench coupled with the BECAPE software. A project supported by Nextmove for testing activities, this is an evaluation bench dedicated to therapists to accompany and evaluate their patients on driving. This solution allows to :

Propose different driving configurations according to the specificities presented by the patients.To propose a first handling of technical driving aids (ball at the wheel, push-pull, circle at the wheel…) to patients according to the handicap they present.To observe an evolution of performance in the rehabilitation program or following the technical aid on validated objective tests.Export results in the form of reports to feed the patient's file.

Book Success Stories 2020 NextMove - BECAPE (Ceremh)Download (French)

Launch of a donation campaign

The second big news for the CEREMH at the beginning of this year is the launch of the 2021 donation campaign. More than ten years ago, the association created its associative driving school in order to give people with disabilities easier access to the driving license, which is an important element for social integration and access to training and employment.

In order to perpetuate this non-profit activity, the CEREMH is therefore appealing for donations to continue to offer the service at an hourly cost equivalent to a conventional driving school despite equipment that is much more expensive to purchase and maintain (joystick driving in particular).

More information


Contact Benjamin Malafosse (Ceremh)