1 janvier 2022
The RECIPROCITY project, which has launched this week, will help cities to become climate-reliant, connected multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility. To achieve this, it will initiate and support replication projects in at least 20 cities and municipalities that vary in size, location, degree of urbanisation and mobility demand. These territories will be equipped with the necessary tools, knowledge and contacts to accelerate the process of replicating existing innovative mobility solutions.
The project, coordinated by R-Tech (Germany), involves 10 partners including clusters and research institutions from across Europe, under the overview of INEA, the EU’s Innovation and Networks Executive Agency.
"Despite the success of many pilot projects, there is still a gap when it comes to transferring innovative mobility solutions to different contexts, cities or regions. By supporting cities along the entire process - from idea to implementation – RECIPROCITY will help cities to jump this gap, and nurture replication across Europe" Uwe Pfeil, Cluster Manager at R-Tech GmbH, and coordinator of RECIPROCITY
RECIPROCITY will employ a four-staged replication framework, helping cities and municipalities to: IDENTIFY the right innovative mobility solutions together with all relevant mobility stakeholders and citizens; LEARN about requirements, processes and skills needed to put these innovative mobility solutions into action; ACCELERATE the implementation of these solutions through guidance and matchmaking for business and finance; SHARE and build upon lessons learned and best practices to enable fast replication on a wide scale.
Through the involvement of clusters and city networks, a wider set of cities and municipalities will also be engaged during the project to increase impact across Europe.
The RECIPROCITY Coordination and Support Action (CSA), full name “Replication of innovative concepts for peri-urban, rural or inner-city mobility”, has received 1.5 million Euros in funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. Activities will run from February 2021 until September 2023.
Interested stakeholders can follow the project’s progress via LinkedIn and Twitter. More information is available on Cordis, the website for EU research results.
The RECIPROCITY consortium consists of 10 partners from all over Europe:
R-Tech, E-Mobility Cluster Regensburg (Germany), European Regions Research and Innovation Network (Belgium), Greenovate! Europe (Belgium), NextMove (France), ZONE Klaszter (Hungary), Istanbul Okan University (Turkey), Business Upper Austri - OO Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH (Austria), Regionalni rozvojova agentura Plzenskeho kraje, o.p.s. (Czech Republic), INSTITUTO ARAGONES DE FOMENTO (Spain), Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council (Uudenmaan liitto - Nylands Förbund) (Finland)